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Carlotta Valdes
Spiral Staircase with Madeline.jpg
Madeline Costume Plate Full Length.jpg
Madeline Development Collages
Madeline Costume Plate Eveningwear qith
Gavin Elster Costume plate.jpg
Midge Costume Plate Full Length.jpg
Judy as Madeline+Scottie.jpg
Scottie's Apartment Set Design
Judy Print
Judy Daywear.jpg
Carlotta Print
Carlotta Costume Plate
Carlotta's Corridor Set Design
Carlotta Print

Vertigo is possibly Hitchcock's greatest work and yet this film has not yet been adapted for theatre. For one of my graduate projects I decided to re-make and re-design (hypothetically) Vertigo as an immersive theatre piece. I designed the costumes and set to be as disorientating as the original film, confusing the viewer visually through use of optical illusion prints and tricks of the eye. The costumes would be entirely in black and white, referencing the Film Noir genre, only allowing for elements of colour at key points in the narrative, such as when Scottie first meets Madeline. The set would be made up of vibrant, almost acidic colours to contrast the disturbing prints on the costumes. Above you can see both my costume and set designs and how they interact, along with the final costume for the character of Carlotta Valdes. If you would like to learn more about my design process, please click to view my design book for this project below. To view my other Graduate Project, Anastasia, please click below.

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